Bike Lock Review | Hamburg Folding Lock
Which is the best bike lock to carry for bicycle commuting ?
We want strong bike locks to secure our precious bikes when we park on the streets.
We want the bicycle lock to be compact and easy to carry around.
The Hamburg Folding Lock is able to meet our requirements.
The Plus:
Strong Materials
Not easy for a bike thief to cut this lock and steal our ride.
This bicycle lock is a good middle ground solution between the toughness of a rigid U-lock and the flexibility of a bike chain or cable lock to secure different components of the bike simultaneously.
Seat Lock
When this lock is mounted on a quick release seat post, it secures the saddle and bike to a fixed object with one lock.
Light Weight
Relatively light for a strong lock to carry around on our bike.
This lock can be easily folded into a small package and has a mounting bracket to hold it on different parts of our bike.
Good looking. No more dealing with lock extremities that stick out of different areas on our bike.

The Not So Ideal:
Rattle Sound
When riding over bumpy road surfaces, there might be slight rattling sound due to folding lock’s plates knocking against each other.
To up anti-theft security a further notch, we get an alarm system.